How Comfortable Are Today’s Porcelain Veneers?

If you are thinking about different ways to make your smile look nicer, one option that your Kitchener-Waterloo dentist can suggest to you is a surgery for porcelain veneers. Porcelain is known to be one of the best materials for veneers, fillings, and other dental procedures that also looks natural inside the mouth. But even though porcelain can be made in white or an off white to match the color of your teeth, there are changes that you’ve never had any porcelain dental procedures before. If that’s the case, you might be wondering how porcelain feels inside the mouth.

About Porcelain Veneers

To make a long story short, porcelain is meant to be very comfortable inside the mouth, and you should like the feel of them, too. Porcelain veneers feel as natural as they look based on how your dentist creates them. He or she takes impressions from your teeth so that he or she has the basis to create veneers that are designed to fit you perfectly. The tooth you are getting a porcelain veneer for may need to be slightly filed down, but this is to ensure that the veneer is able to fit over the tooth and stay secure.

As mentioned previously, porcelain veneers can either be a pure white, or made to match the shade of your teeth. The look of porcelain looks very similarly to real tooth enamel, so by no means do these veneers look synthetic or fake. They will look just like real, strong teeth.

How Long do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Porcelain veneers should also last a long time. Traditionally, porcelain can last inside one’s mouth for 10 to 15 years at a time, which is good. You can visit the best dentist in Kitchener for porcelain veneers, fillings, crowns, or bridges, and they should last equally as long due to their hard, tolerable nature.

However, porcelain is not entirely bulletproof. Like porcelain dinnerware, it’s hard and you feel a great amount of quality, but it can also break if you aren’t careful. Porcelain veneers can get cracked, chipped, or can fall off, either from eating something too hard or from an injury. In such instances, replacing the veneer will almost always be your only option, as repairing the veneer can be very trivial.

Porcelain veneers are meant to be just as hard as your own teeth, so they should be able to withstand years of aging before they show signs of wear and tear. One way to easily avoid having to replace your veneers is by brushing, flossing, and doing other oral care procedures daily. Some common things that people might do that harms the veneer is chew on ice or a paperclip, or open something using their teeth, such as a bottled beverage.

After your dentist inserts your veneers, he or she will examine the veneers during future appointments, so be sure to schedule an appointment every six months so that your veneer can be looked at as you come in to get your teeth cleaned thoroughly. If your dentist sees something awry with your veneer, he or she can warn you and consider when it might be a good time to have the veneer fixed or replaced.


Porcelain veneers are cosmetic dental procedures that alter the shape of teeth by fitting directly over then. Porcelain is known to be smooth, comfortable, and durable, feeling and acting like a real tooth in your mouth. Porcelain can also last up to 15 years, which is a very long time. You can also consider porcelain fillings and crowns.

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