Professional Dental Cleaning: What To Expect

Months have passed, you have not visited the dentist, and you know it is time to get your oral health in check. A professional dental cleaning is your next step, but you are afraid of what you might experience at the dentist. After all, going to the dentist is always an intimidating process, and anxiety is common. 

Knowing what to expect when you visit the dentist is a good way to reduce this anxiety. Our experts at KWC Dental have created a comprehensive guide to know what to expect at dental cleaning appointments. 

Importance Of Frequent Professional Dental Cleanings 

A professional dental cleaning is significant for your dental health. These cleanings are important for a myriad of reasons, which include the following: 

  1. Preventing Dental Problems 

Various dental problems can impact your overall health. Because of this, it is crucial to get regular professionals dental cleanings. Here are some issues you can prevent if you opt for cleaning:

  • Cavities: Plaque can accumulate on the teeth, which can be difficult to clean. Regular dental cleanings guarantee that hard-to-reach places are cleaned, decreasing cavities 

  • Gum Diseases: When plaque builds up, it leads to inflammation that can cause gum disease. A professional cleaning will remove plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line, preventing the advancement of gum disease

  • Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath can be because of various reasons, including plaque. Dental cleanings eliminate the sources of bacteria responsible for bad breath, helping you maintain fresh breath

  • Discoloration Or Staining: Consuming certain foods, beverages, and tobacco products can stain teeth over time. Professional cleanings can polish teeth and give you a bright smile 

While there are many other dental problems, these are the top ones that professional dental cleanings can solve. When you come in for such cleanings, our best dentists in Kitchener can also assess your oral health and detect issues early on. Then, you can take the relevant steps to ensure these problems don’t progress further. 

  1. Maintaining Excellent Oral Health 

The benefits you reap don’t just at professional dental cleaning. Instead, you must make the most of your health by taking relevant steps outside the clinic to maintain your oral health. Our dentists in Waterloo will provide you with a detailed guide on what you can do to maintain excellent oral health. 

For example, our dentists will advise you to:

  • Brush twice a day 

  • Floss daily 

  • Use mouthwash 

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Consider additional dental products, depending on your current oral health 

  • And more

The specific guidelines will depend on your dental health or any problems you may have. It will enable you to take better care of your teeth after a professional cleaning. 

  1. Affordable Approach To Dental Solutions 

You might think that going for regular cleanings can be a big expense, but it can help you save money in the long run. That is because such cleanings can help prevent the development of dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, and infections. Preventing these issues is much more cost-effective than treating them once they've progressed and require more extensive procedures like fillings, root canals, or even extractions. 

On the other hand, if you neglect your dental health and don’t go for regular cleanings, you can experience dental emergencies occasionally. These can include severe toothaches, infections, or abscesses. Emergency dental visits are often more expensive than routine cleanings and check-ups. 

  1. Better Overall Health 

Your oral health is linked with your overall health, so regular professional dental cleaning is important. Poor oral hygiene and untreated dental problems have been linked to conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, and even pregnancy complications. By preventing oral issues through regular cleanings, you can potentially reduce the risk of these health problems.

You can begin your oral health if you want a better quality of life. It enables you to eat comfortably, speak clearly, and smile confidently. These factors positively impact your mental and emotional well-being, enabling you to live better. 

How To Prepare For Your Professional Dental Cleaning Appointment 

Before you go for your dental cleaning appointment, you must prepare for it correctly. Our expert dentists have created some guidelines you can follow to prepare for your appointment in the best way: 

Schedule The Appointment

The first step toward maintaining oral health is to schedule a professional dental cleaning appointment. Call your dental office to schedule an appointment. Many dental offices offer online appointment scheduling for added convenience.

At KWC Dental, our receptionist will pick up your call, and you can let them know the time and day you prefer to check availability. You can also Inquire about your dental insurance coverage for cleanings. If you don't have insurance, you can discuss the various financing options with our office to determine whether our services are the right choice. 

Pre-Appointment Preparation 

You can take a few steps before your appointment to ensure a smooth and effective visit. Here are some guidelines you can follow to have a smooth process: 

  • Call and confirm the appointment 

  • Update the dental office about any changes in your medical history since the last time 

  • Brush and floss your teeth before your appointment 

  • Arrive a few minutes early so you can settle in and become comfortable at the office 

  • Bring any documents relevant to your health, such as dental insurance information, previous records, or medication list 

  • If you have any questions, make sure to ask to clarify concerns 

These are important steps that will help you feel more at ease when you visit the dentist. Don’t hesitate to ask anything important when you visit the KWC dental office. Our experts will help clarify any concerns to make you feel more comfortable. 

Address Any Questions Or Queries You May Have

An important step before your professional dental cleaning appointment is to guarantee that you have a comfortable experience. You can compile a list of concerns regarding the cleaning or anything else. You can also review your oral health history to check areas where you might need more clarification. 

Feel free to ask if you are unsure about any part of the dental cleaning process, such as the tools used, the steps involved, or the purpose of certain procedures. Understanding the process can ease any anxiety you might have. Please let our Bridgeport dental office know beforehand if you have dental anxiety. 

Our experts can help you feel more comfortable and let you know how we make your experience comfortable. So, make sure that you let us know everything before the appointment so we can help you in the best way possible. 

A Step-By-Step Process Of Professional Dental Cleaning 

Now that you know how to prepare for your appointment, you must know the various steps involved in the professional dental cleaning process. At KWC Dental, we follow the latest practices for a smooth experience. Here is what you can expect from our cleaning services when you come in: 

Step 1: Initial Assessment 

The first few moments of your professional dental cleaning appointment will set the tone for a comfortable and positive experience. Our dental hygienist will perform the assessment and cleaning in the beginning. First, they will physically examine your entire mouth and assess your oral health to determine what they must do. 

They will use a small mirror to check your entire mouth and look for signs of any dental issues. If there are any major problems with oral health, the hygienist will consult with senior dentists to determine whether it is okay to proceed. Then, they will move on to step two. 

Step 2: Removing Tartar And Plaque 

Step two consists of removing the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth, and when it hardens, it becomes tartar (also known as dental calculus). We utilize a scaler to eliminate the tartar and plaque from your gumline and between your teeth. 

It is crucial to regularly brush and floss your teeth, as it stops the plaque from building up and hardening. While you can control plaque on your own, when you have tartar, only your dentist can clean it. So, if you want to avoid this in the long run, we recommend you floss and brush your teeth more often and take care of them. 

Step 3: Evaluating Your Gum Health 

Assessing the health of your gums is a vital aspect of your professional dental cleaning appointment. It is also known as periodontal probing, and it helps with identifying potential issues and managing your overall gum health. The dental hygienist gently inserts the periodontal probe into the pockets around each tooth during this process. 

Such a  measurement indicates the depth of the pocket. A healthy mouth's pocket depth typically ranges from 1 to 3 millimeters. Deeper pocket depths, usually greater than 3 millimeters, can indicate the presence of gum disease. As gum disease progresses, pockets can become deeper, leading to further complications.

If there are any issues, our hygienist will share this information with the dentist to develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. You might also have to opt for other treatments to ensure this problem doesn't progress further. 

Step 4: Take X-Rays If Needed 

X-rays are important during your professional dental cleaning appointment. They provide valuable insights into your oral health by revealing issues that might not be visible during a visual examination. Here are a few things that X-rays can help with to give you a better idea of your oral health to your dentist:

  • Detecting hidden problems 

  • Visualizing beneath the gum and teeth surface 

  • A broad view of the entire mouth 

  • Detection of cavities between teeth 

The type and purpose of your X-ray will depend on your issues. Your dental hygienist will determine whether you even need them. Then, they will assess your dental health and make recommendations to make it better. 

Step 5: Cleaning And Polishing Teeth 

Cleaning and polishing your teeth will make them much cleaner and enhance the appearance of your teeth. The dental hygienist gently scales your teeth using specialized dental instruments to remove any remaining plaque and tartar buildup. This thorough process targets all tooth surfaces, including those below the gumline. 

After your teeth are clean and free of plaque and tartar, the dental hygienist proceeds to the polishing stage. Polishing uses specially formulated toothpaste and a rotating brush or rubber cup. We will apply the polishing paste to a rotating brush or rubber cup, which will be applied to the surfaces of your teeth. The rotating action of the brush helps remove stains effectively.

After polishing, you'll rinse your mouth to remove any residue from the polishing paste. We might also use a suction device to help clear your mouth. When this is done, your mouth will feel and look much cleaner than before. 

Step 6: Applying Flouride Treatment 

Finally, it will be time to apply the fluoride treatment to complete the professional dental cleaning process. Fluoride is a mineral that has proven benefits for strengthening tooth enamel and preventing tooth decay. We will apply a fluoride gel or foam into a tray fitted over your teeth. 

You'll bite down on the tray for a few minutes to allow the fluoride to penetrate the enamel. After fluoride application, you might be advised to avoid eating or drinking for a short period to allow the fluoride to be absorbed by the teeth. We also recommend using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash to ensure your teeth stay strong. 

Final Thoughts 

Now that you know the complete procedure of professional dental cleaning, you will feel less anxious. There is nothing to be scared of, and it's a routine procedure that everyone must undergo every few months. If you want to book your routine cleaning, be sure to contact the dentists at KWC Dental for an exceptional experience that will take your oral health to another level.

Muhammad Aslam