Emergency Tooth Extraction: Your Guide in an Emergency

Emergency Tooth Extraction

Your tooth starts hurting, you are in incredible pain, and you wonder what is causing the issue. Such an experience can be debilitating; the only solution might be to visit a dentist and opt for an emergency tooth extraction. 

A dentist will do their best to save the tooth and ensure you have an optimal experience. If you want to be prepared for an emergency tooth extraction, you are in the right place. 

In this article, we will explain the costs, procedures, types, and everything else associated with emergency tooth extractions. 

How Much Does An Emergency Tooth Extraction Cost? 

An emergency tooth extraction cost can vary between $100 and $200 if you have insurance. However, the cost without insurance can vary between $200 and $400. 

These numbers represent the average cost of the procedure in Canada. The actual cost will depend on your emergency dentist in Kitchener and other factors. 

On the other hand, the cost will also depend on the type of tooth extraction. For example, simple tooth pulling will always be more affordable than wisdom tooth extraction or other procedures. 

Where Can I Get An Emergency Tooth Extraction?

Your best bet is to visit an emergency dentist in your region. A good way to find an experienced dentist is to search “emergency dentist near me” on Google. 

A quick search will provide you with various options you can choose from. If you are in Ontario, a good option can be KWC Dental or Dr. Samra for a smooth procedure. 

When Would You Need an Emergency Tooth Extraction?

You need to opt for an emergency tooth extraction at different times. Let’s review some common causes that can lead to tooth extractions: 

1.Wisdom Tooth 

Our last molars to arrive are wisdom teeth. It can show up in your late teenage years or early adulthood. 

Remember that a lot of people get their wisdom teeth without any pain. However, most people don’t have the jaw space to accommodate these molars. 

In the latter case, you must contact a dentist for an emergency wisdom tooth extraction. The dentists will remove the tooth before it starts disrupting your dental health. 

2.Gum Disease 

Gum disease has various levels, and in its early stages, you can resolve this problem with good oral hygiene, regular hygiene appointments, and cleaning.

However, it can lead to periodontitis when it advances, and the damage is irreversible at that point. Such an advanced gym disease can lead to:

  • Damage in the gum structure 

  • Receding of gums 

  • Damage in the supporting gum structure 

  • No teeth support 

If you are experiencing this issue, then your dentist might have to go for an emergency tooth extraction. It will stop the gum disease from progressing even further. 

3.Tooth Decay 

Tartar and plaque deposits in the teeth can lead to decay. However, you might have to opt for extraction when the decay is severe. 

The dentist can only save the tooth if you have enough of a healthy structure remaining on your teeth. 

On the other hand, if the decay is bad, the only option is to remove it. Prevention is key here, so we recommend you take care of your teeth so you don’t have to opt for emergency extraction. 

4.Fractured Teeth

Our teeth withstand much pressure whenever we bite or chew our food. However, if teeth are misaligned, there is a higher risk of cracks. 

Other risks for fractured teeth include root canal, tooth injury, or other issues. When the fracture takes place below or across the gum line, the only way to alleviate the pain is to go for tooth removal. 


Teeth crowding happens when you have more teeth than your jaw can accommodate. Many risks come with overcrowding teeth. 

Some of these risks include the following:

  • Cavities 

  • Jaw pain 

  • Decay 

  • Infection

  • Breakage or chipping of teeth 

  • Headaches 

  • TMJ 

  • Other teeth injuries

Crowded teeth are also difficult to clean, leading to further hygiene issues. Taking the necessary steps before the crowding begins is better than going to an emergency dentist later. 

The Emergency Tooth Extraction Procedure: What to Expect 

While the procedure may differ between the dentist you visit, you can still expect some common things. 

Our expert dentist in Kitchener has listed everything you can expect in the tooth extraction procedure: 

1.Numbing the Area 

When you visit your emergency dentist, they will determine what caused the issue. Then, they will numb the area using a local anesthetic. 

There are also other sedation options you can choose from. Your dentist will better guide you about the options you have at your disposal for maximum comfort. 

Some options in sedation dentistry include the following:

  • Nitrous oxide

  • Oral conscious sedation

  • IV sedation

Ask your dentist what will be best for you to have a comfortable experience as they extract your tooth. 

2.Loosen The Tooth 

Next, your dentist will loosen the tooth with various instruments. Once the tooth is loose enough, they will lift it from your socket for extraction. 

Remember that if your tooth has broken at the gum line or is severely decayed, your dentist will have to make incisions on it. 

Making incisions will allow them to access the tooth to extract it optimally. 

3.Disinfecting the Socket 

Finally, the dentist will clean and disinfect the tooth socket. The dentist might have to add a bone graft in a few cases. 

Adding the bone graft will ensure that you don’t go through bone loss. You might also need stitches to ensure maximum healing. 

4.Adding The Gauze 

After the emergency tooth extraction, your dentist will place a gauze on the site. They will ask you to close the gauze with steady but firm pressure. 

Adding firm pressure will guarantee slow bleeding that will lead to the formation of a blood clot. The clot promotes healing and minimizes the risk of a dry socket. 

For the next 24 hours, it will be normal to have some light bleeding. Don’t be alarmed, and let the site heal. 

4 Practices for Emergency Tooth Extraction Aftercare 

You have successfully had a tooth extraction, and you might be wondering what to do about it. There are some best practices you can follow to ensure optimal healing. 

Let’s review some of the top practices for emergency tooth extraction aftercare: 

1.Keep it Clean 

The first thing you must do is keep the extraction site clean. Here are some practices you can incorporate to keep it clean: 

  • Use an antimicrobial mouthwash two or three times daily 

  • Don’t brush directly over the site till the dentist says it is safe 

  • Brush and floss other areas in your mouth 

Daily dental hygiene practices, along with some aftercare, will ensure that your site heals well. 

2.Take Medications 

It is normal for dentists to prescribe medication after emergency tooth extraction. These can include anything from painkillers to antibiotics. 

Follow the doctor’s orders and take the medications as directed. You can also take over-the-counter painkillers if you are in pain. 

3.Avoid Stressful Activities

After the tooth extraction, you should not indulge in stressful activities. An elevated heart rate can lead to discomfort or bleeding. 

We recommend you skip the gym for 48 to 72 hours after the extraction procedure. Your dentist will tell you when it is safe to resume your normal routines. 

4.Follow a Soft Diet

Eating the right foods after emergency tooth extraction will reduce infection risk. Some foods you can eat after extraction include the following: 

  • Scrambled eggs 

  • Mashed potatoes 

  • Smoothies 

  • Yogurt 

  • Ice cream 

  • Soup 

  • And more

There are also certain foods you must avoid after an extraction. For example, eating solid foods, hot beverages, spicy food, acidic food, and chewy food is a big no. 

Even alcohol can interfere with your healing process. So, it is best to avoid alcoholic beverages altogether, especially if you are on medications. 


Is tooth extraction an emergency?

If it is causing you extreme pain, then it can be an emergency. In such a case, visit your emergency dentist and get an extraction as soon as possible. 

Can the ER do anything for severe tooth pain?

Yes, emergency rooms can provide dental care to people dealing with severe tooth pain. However, if you already have a dentist, it is best to go to them for any emergency procedure.

How to get your tooth out in an emergency?

Please dont attempt to pull the tooth out by yourself. Instead, go to an emergency dentist and let the professionals handle the extraction. 

How can I stop my tooth from throbbing nerve pain?

The best way to stop such pain is to take painkillers. Typically, they will help with subsiding the pain for you to return to normal. 

Final Thoughts 

Emergency tooth extraction can be a daunting process, but it will cause less pain if you know what to expect. If you are dealing with pain, we recommend you visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible. 

At KWC Dental, we have emergency dentists in Kitchener to help you with anything you need. If you want to opt an emergency procedure, be sure to get in touch with our experienced dentists as soon as possible. 

Muhammad Aslam