11 Soft Foods to Eat After Oral Surgery for Optimal Recovery

Oral surgery is never a walk easy. Whether you’re just had a wisdom tooth removed, a root canal, or other types of dental surgery, your dentist or oral surgeon may advise you eat to eat a soft foods diet.

During this crucial period, what you eat can make a significant difference in your recovery process. Soft foods are your best friend after oral surgery, as they minimize the risk of complications and discomfort while still providing the necessary nutrients for healing. 

In this article, we'll explore 9 delicious and nutritious soft foods to eat after oral surgery to ensure your recovery is as smooth as possible.

1. Creamy Mashed Potatoes

When it comes to oral surgery recovery, one of the first culinary delights that often comes to mind is the classic favorite – creamy mashed potatoes. These comforting spuds are not only a go-to comfort food for many but also a fantastic choice to kickstart your journey to optimal recovery. 

2. Silky Smooth Soups

When it comes to post-oral surgery recovery, few culinary delights can rival the soothing qualities of a steaming bowl of silky smooth soup. These liquid elixirs are not just a meal; they're a source of comfort, hydration, and essential nutrients that your healing body craves.  

3. Nutrient-Packed Smoothies

When it comes to oral surgery recovery, maintaining proper nutrition and hydration is paramount. However, finding foods that are both easy to consume and packed with essential nutrients can be a challenge. This is where nutrient-packed smoothies prove to be the best soft foods to eat after oral surgery. 

4. Greek Yogurt

 When it comes to choosing soft and nourishing foods for your oral surgery recovery, Greek yogurt stands out as a superstar option. Not only is it gentle on your healing mouth, but it's also brimming with protein, which plays a crucial role in tissue repair and overall well-being during this critical period.

5. Applesauce

Applesauce is a versatile and nutritious choice for your post-oral surgery diet. Here's why it's a top pick:

Dietary Fiber

Applesauce is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which can support healthy digestion during your recovery. Fiber helps keep things moving smoothly, preventing constipation that can sometimes occur after surgery.

Vitamin C

This humble sauce is also rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that promotes tissue repair and boosts your immune system. A strong immune system is essential for a smooth and complication-free recovery.

Low Sugar Option

When selecting applesauce, opt for unsweetened varieties. This ensures you're keeping your sugar levels in check, which is crucial for maintaining overall health during the healing process. Too much sugar can contribute to inflammation and hinder recovery.

6. Scrambled Eggs

 Scrambled eggs are a classic and protein-packed choice for post-oral surgery meals. Here's why it’s one of the most popular soft foods to eat after oral surgery:

Protein Rich

Eggs are a protein powerhouse, providing essential amino acids necessary for tissue repair. Protein is a key player in the healing process, aiding in the regeneration and strengthening of surgical sites.

Soft and Custardy Texture

When scrambled gently, eggs take on a soft and custardy texture that's easy to eat without straining your healing mouth. This makes them an ideal option for those early days post-surgery when chewing might be uncomfortable.

7. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a nutrient-packed option that can be enjoyed in various ways during your recovery:

Soft and Digestible

Cottage cheese is soft and easy to digest, making it a gentle choice for your post-surgery diet. It won't pose any challenges to your healing mouth.


Make cottage cheese even more appealing by adding diced fruits like peaches or pineapple for a sweet touch, or drizzling a bit of honey for natural sweetness. Alternatively, you can opt for a savory twist by topping it with herbs, cracked black pepper, or chopped vegetables.

8. Rice Pudding

Rice pudding is a comforting dessert that's well-suited for post-surgery consumption. Here is why it is one of the top soft foods to eat after oral surgery: 

Soft and Easy to Eat

The soft texture of rice pudding makes it easy to eat without discomfort or irritation to your healing mouth.

Soothing and Satisfying

The flavor and consistency of rice pudding provide a soothing and satisfying experience that can lift your spirits during your recovery.

9. Tofu

 Tofu is an excellent source of plant-based protein, making it an excellent addition to your soft food diet:


Tofu is packed with protein, which supports tissue repair and overall healing. It's a fantastic way to meet your protein needs, especially if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

According to the University of Michigan, consuming a balanced diet with sufficient amounts of protein can help your body heal. Protein is an important building block that helps to repair muscle, tissue, and skin.

10. Oatmeal

 Oatmeal is a breakfast staple that deserves a place in your oral surgery recovery diet. Here's why it's one of the best soft foods to eat after oral surgery:

Nutritious and Filling

Oatmeal is a powerhouse of nutrition, providing complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. These components keep you feeling full and provide sustained energy throughout the day, which is crucial for the recovery process.

Creamy Comfort

Preparing oatmeal until it's creamy ensures a texture that's easy to swallow and gentle on your healing mouth. It's the ideal canvas for enhancing both flavor and nutrition.

Mashed Fruit Enhancement

Elevate your oatmeal's taste and nutritional value by stirring in mashed bananas or apples. Bananas contribute natural sweetness and potassium, while apples provide dietary fiber and vitamins. This combination adds a delightful twist to your morning meal.

11. Hummus

Hummus isn't just a delicious dip; it's a nutritious addition to your post-surgery menu:

Protein and Healthy Fats

Hummus is loaded with plant-based protein and healthy fats, which support the healing process and keep you feeling satisfied. Protein is crucial for tissue repair, and healthy fats are essential for overall well-being.

Versatile Pairings

Pair hummus with soft pita bread, cucumber slices, or carrot sticks for a satisfying snack. The variety of textures and flavors make it an enjoyable choice that can be customized to your preferences.

Dietary Fiber

Chickpeas, the main ingredient in hummus, are a good source of dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting regular bowel movements—a vital aspect of your recovery.

How Long Should You Eat Soft Foods After Oral Surgery?

The duration for which you should stick to a soft food diet after oral surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure and individual healing progress. Typically, soft foods are recommended for the first few days to a couple of weeks post-surgery. 

However, it's essential to follow your oral surgeon's specific instructions, as they will provide personalized guidance based on your surgery and recovery progress. Transitioning back to a regular diet should be gradual and guided by your healthcare provider.

What Foods to Avoid After Oral Surgery?

Avoiding certain foods after oral surgery is crucial to prevent complications and ensure a smooth recovery. Some common foods to avoid include:

· Hard and Crunchy Foods: Foods like chips, popcorn, and nuts can irritate surgical sites or even damage stitches.

· Spicy Foods: Spicy dishes can cause discomfort and irritation to your mouth, slowing down the healing process.

· Acidic Foods and Drinks: Citrus fruits and acidic beverages like orange juice can be harsh on your sensitive mouth and potentially cause irritation.

· Hot Foods and Drinks: Extremely hot foods and drinks can lead to burns or discomfort in the surgical area. Opt for lukewarm or cooler options.

· Alcohol and Tobacco: Alcohol and tobacco products can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. It's best to abstain from these during your recovery.

· Seeds and Small Particles: Foods with small seeds or particles, like sesame seeds or poppy seeds, can get lodged in surgical sites and cause irritation.

Types of Oral Surgery and Their Recovery Time

 The recovery time for oral surgery can vary significantly based on the type of procedure performed. Here are some common types of oral surgery and a general idea of their associated recovery times:

· Tooth Extraction: Recovery typically takes a few days to a week. It may involve mild discomfort and swelling.

· Wisdom Teeth Removal: Recovery can vary but often takes about one to two weeks. Swelling and discomfort are common during this period.

· Dental Implants: Recovery can take several months as the implant integrates with the bone. However, the initial healing phase with soft foods may last a few weeks.

· Jaw Surgery: Recovery for major jaw surgery can take several weeks to months, and a soft food diet may be required for an extended period.

· Oral Cancer Surgery: Recovery depends on the extent of the surgery and may involve a more extended period of soft foods, followed by a gradual transition to a regular diet.

Tips for Optimal Recovery:

In addition to incorporating these soft foods into your diet, here are some essential tips for optimal recovery after oral surgery:

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to aid in the healing process and prevent dehydration.

Avoid Straws

Using straws can create suction and may disrupt the healing process, so it's best to avoid them.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

Continue to brush your teeth gently but avoid the surgical site to prevent irritation.

Follow Your Dentist's Instructions

Always adhere to your dentist or oral surgeon's recommendations regarding medications, post-operative care, and dietary restrictions.


What foods heal oral surgery?

Mashed potatoes, cauliflower, avocado or carrots.

What fruits can I eat after oral surgery?

Bananas – Fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B5, vitamin C.

Is yogurt good after oral surgery?

Greek yogurt is packed with protein, minerals, and vitamins, making it a perfect food to enjoy after your dental surgery.

Can you eat rice after oral surgery?

Rice is another one of those versatile foods you can prepare so that it's soft enough to eat after oral surgery.


Recovering from oral surgery may not be the most enjoyable experience, but choosing the right soft foods can make a world of difference. These 11 soft foods to eat after oral surgery are not only gentle on your healing mouth but also packed with nutrients to promote a speedy recovery. 

Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized dietary guidance, and soon enough, you'll be back to enjoying your favorite crunchy and chewy foods. In the meantime, savor the comfort and nourishment these soft delights provide. Your optimal recovery is just a few bites away!

Muhammad Aslam